Real Stories From Life at a Dealership

People are the experience

Gold of the Mother Lode

It is exciting to see so many of you getting on board with Gold. This only works as a community. So continue to tell a friend. Please tag everything that you post with Gold of the Mother Lode. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to find us.

I also believe that we have not scratched the surface of how far this can take us as a group. There should come a time when every business that is on board has a placard in the window showing A billboard on Hwy 108 will be a logical step to follow. If the cost of the billboard is $6,000 per year, then with 100 participants the cost would only be $60.

Upon entering the area, visitors would be directed to check Gold of the Mother Lode to find everything that they might want, need or use. This is just a future idea. But the future is fast upon us.

Please spend time to improve your respective pages. Post often. Use videos. Have fun with it. Life is too short not to. See you soon.

Can you see the four circles?


August 22, 2009 Posted by | gold, lode, mother, motherlode | , , , , | Leave a comment


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It was not the position that I had expected to find myself in. Explaining to an 11 year old what was going to happen to his beloved station wagon. It was a prototypical sale, one where everybody leaves happy. I thought.


The family comes in on a Saturday, looking to replace their aging station wagon. You remember the ones with the fake wood sides and the backwards facing, not to mention car sickness inducing, rear seats.


A family of four still needs some room, but the late 70’s model wagon with a mid-six figure odometer, has seen better days.


The sale was almost nondescript in that everything went just as it should. It is amazing though, how much you can find out about people and the bond between man and machine. We had the right vehicle in stock, interest rates were good, trade value was better and the payment was just right. They took delivery and went home happy or so I thought.


Monday and I am at my desk. I look up to see Mom, as she walks into the showroom with her 11 year old son. She points me out to the lad and here he comes. I greeted him with a smile, but he looks very serious for an 11 year old.  He inquired, “what’s going to happen to our car?”


This is the family who had told me how much their son loved “The Wagon”. He had his own space in the back that he loved to be in when they traveled. When the next child was born he did not feel displaced because he had his own special place in the wagon that was his alone. He grew up there, safe and secure. I was feeling tremendous pressure all of the sudden.


I looked him straight in the eye and told him that the wagon was going to be gotten ready to be sold to another family. To another family with a little boy who needed his own place to be safe in the wagon. The 11 year old stood very straight and said “thank you”. He then turned and walked back to his mother and they left.


His mom called me a couple of hours later. She explained how upset the boy was because  “the wagon” that he had traveled in, slept in & grown up in was not just gone, but more importantly he did not know where his friend was going. She told me that her son wanted to come back to the dealership and ask me. She agreed and brought him down unannounced. She thanked me and said that I was amazing because her son would be honored to share his special place with the next little boy to grow up in, “the wagon”.


I just smiled …for days.



May 22, 2009 Posted by | Chevy Caprice.sierra motors, classic, family, james town, mother | , , , , | Leave a comment